The start of 2020 in Australia has felt like a VERY BAD soap opera!
If we weren’t living it we wouldn’t believe it!! After years of drought, which still continues in parts of the country, we were subjected to catastrophic bushfires which, by the time they were under control, had cost us 18.6 million hectares, destroyed over 5900 buildings of which 2779 were peoples homes, at least 34 people lost there lives and over 1 billion animals were incinerated driving some species to the brink of extinction. You can read more detail here on that.
Almost immediately part of New South Wales suffered more loss from torrential and sudden rain causing flooding and many road closures and more loss of property.
Just as we started to catch our breath stories of a fast-spreading virus killing people in our neighbouring countries started to be reported. Fast forward to today, 9 April 2020, and the virus called COVID 19 or Coronavirus, now officially known as a pandemic has spread across the world with more than 1.47 million confirmed cases and almost 87,000 deaths. Here in Australia, our share is 6,052 cases and 50 people have died. (Read more here.)
With these sobering facts and statistics of all of these crises we were asked to lock our selves away from our fellow citizens to try to stem the spread, or “flatten the curve”.

With the social distancing and self-isolation protocols in place it meant many of us lost our jobs, myself included. As a massage therapist, it is 100% impossible to maintain a distance of 1.5m from my clients, it is also 100% impossible to offer this therapy as an online or telehealth alternative. I had no choice to close my practice doors for the foreseeable future. This was devastating and I miss my clients and routine!
With the enforced business closure I have had a lot of self-reflection time. Luckily I completed a diploma of counselling skills last year so I have a new appreciation for the value in taking the time to sit with a situation and pull it apart to see what lessons can be learned from it.
Having the time to do this is, in itself, a luxury. When do we really ever take the time to do this? Life is generally lived at a hectic pace. I’m also very aware of how lucky I am to live in a country where the government has recognised, and quickly acted on, the need to provide an income to ensure we can continue to pay our bills and buy food free from anxiety. This is a privilege not afforded to many across the world and many of our poorest people will make up much of the final record of deaths from this terrifying plague.
With that being said I intend to try to come out the other side with new perspectives from a personal and business view.
One of the first things I have tried to define is why do I do what I do? What is my mission for my business as a remedial massage therapist? I have had the privilege to work with many elite athletes and sports professionals performing at the top of their game. These people showed me what commitment and dedication look like. I loved working with them. I learned so much about sacrifice and plain old ‘nose-to-the-ground’ work attitude. Whatever exercise, stretch, nutrition advice was offered was never thought of as too hard or too inconvenient if it promised to improve their performance. You might think that these people would be the perfect client? Wrong. They’re almost too easy!!

Who I really love working with are the people who are like me. For example, I love good, clean food. In fact, I’m an educated nutritionist! But that doesn’t stop me from eating a good burger and chips, enjoying a great wine or eating an overly large slice of cheesecake from time to time! I also love the feeling of being fit and strong, I’ve worked as a fitness professional for the last 20 plus years of my life. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t have days when the last thing I feel like doing is moving my body in a way that even remotely resembles a workout. Does all of these opposites make me a hypocrite? NO! It makes me a human who enjoys a balance in their life.
These are the people I love, they are my tribe. Those people who really do love life, who are trying their best to be better, move better and feel better. Those people who aren’t afraid to admit that they struggle sometimes and need help with motivation. Some of these people have been dealt with an unreasonably crappy deal and suffer from chronic pain, personal loss and terrible illness both physical and mental. Yet, they keep on keeping on. I LOVE these people. The chance to play a small part in easing the burden or pain is an immense privilege. I’m so lucky to be a part of their lives.
In all of my toughest life lessons, and I’ve had a few, I have come out more resilient, more courageous, empathic and with an overall feeling that these situations are what makes us the amazing individuals that we are. Not that I wish for any more dark times!!! But, the ones I’ve had have taught me who I am and who I want to surround myself with.
These messy and painful times are what I believe creates the art of living. Or if you want to get fancy and sound educated say it in Latin – Ars Vivendi.
When life returns to normal – whatever and whenever that may be – and if you feel that you and I could work well together I would love to meet you. I plan on starting up a monthly emailed newsletter in the very near future. It will have some tips on basic health at home advice and I can keep you updated on re-opening dates!! Message me your email address either via this website or on either of my social pages on Facebook or Instagram. I’d love to meet. x