I would personally love to know who was initial instigator in the great Toilet Paper Panic Buy of 2020. Why did they pick toilet paper as the number 1 item? Why not sandwich size zip lock bags, or bottles of Worcestershire sauce?? It makes just as much sense. That been said, there is some logical thought in the idea of not spending any more time in crowded areas than absolutely necessary, so perhaps that person is someone who likes to spend more than a little bit of time in the smallest room in the house….??
So, what are some things you can do that might actually make a difference to your own and your family’s chances of staying healthy?
- Make sure your diet is filled with lots of leafy green vegetables, and anti-viral vegies like garlic, onion, capsicum and ginger.
- Drink plenty of water to ensure that toxins are easily flushed through your body systems.
- Get plenty of sleep. Sleeping is the bodies number one time to fight off infections and do any repairs needed.
- Get some regular exercise. You don’t need to go “all out” just move your body for 30-60 minutes every day. This will also give those feel good hormones like serotonin and dopamine a boost which in turn, boosts your immune system.
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water. Hand sanitisers are good, but soap and water are even better. Find out why here.
- Get a massage. Here are three reasons why –

*Increase in White Blood Cells: Researchers from Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre conducted a study to find out what happens to your body during and after a massage and found that people who received a 45 minute massage saw an increase in white blood cells, which are vital in helping people fight off disease in general, not just small colds or flus.
*Reduced Cytokines: people also had lower levels of cytokines, which are molecules that can increase inflammation in the body. Anyone who is experiencing inflammation is much more susceptible to illness of any kind.
*Hormone Levels: participants also had a lower level of cortisol, a stress hormone, after the massage. Anyone who has high levels of cortisol is much more likely to suffer from disease of all kind.
7. Reduce your stress level (see point 6)

Whilst we don’t need to panic about the Coronavirus, although the toilet paper debacle made for some pretty hilarious memes, we do need to care. Not just about our own health but that of the community we live in. To read a more elaborate, amusing and properly researched article on why we need to care, I encourage you to click here to read award winning author and blogger Mark Manson’s latest article on this exact topic.
See you in the massage room soon for your immune boost!