I’ve been working on this new website for a few weeks now and today I realised that I could keep working on it for many more weeks and it’s probably NEVER going to be as perfect as I would like it to be. But if I don’t press the “publish” button eventually NOBODY will ever see it, perfect or not! This may seem fairly obvious to some of you but for me it’s a big deal. I can’t tell you why but I’ve always craved approval from others. It’s always felt very important to me that others view anything I do as quality. This can range from what I’m wearing to the the amount of weight that I’m lifting at the gym.
Today I’m taking a different route. Today I’m being gentle on myself.
I’m giving myself a pat on the back and saying, “hey you did a great job. You don’t know the first thing about creating a website but you made one! It may not win any awards but it get’s the information out there.” I am also taking this attitude to life in general in other areas. How many times have you decided to start exercising regularly, eating more healthily, doing daily meditation, reading more books, spending less time on social media…., these are ALL resolutions I have personally made, only to give up literally days, sometimes hours, into starting. For me it has been because it has not been perfect enough. I missed a day at the gym, I ate a chocolate bar and then decided “well, I’ve stuffed it now, I may as well give up”. But I have finally realised that I am NOT PERFECT!! Shock horror!! And while we do want to strive for consistency, realising that life is sometimes going to stop even the best laid plans and the best we can always do is to simply DO OUR BEST. I’ll keep you posted on how this new approach to life works out for me. So without further ado, I give you the brand new BodyTonic Massage Therapies website! I have a lot of plans for this site so I hope you enjoy what information is currently available here and check back in periodically for my new additions! Take a look at my new online booking area. I think it is user friendly, and yes, you can still call the Chiropractic centre and book over the phone on 4232 2614. I’d also love it if you contacted me with any subject matter you would like me to blog about. Be it massage therapy related, nutrition, fitness questions or mental health. Thanks for reading my first blog. Till next month.